FP Bouquet N°2

FP Bouquet N°2


This one-of-a-kind, beautiful and modern bouquet, made with the highest quality in-season red and blush pink Ecuadorian roses, lisianthus, wax flowers and premium greenery, will make a statement on any occasion. Crafted by Flower Pie floral designers with love and care and dressed in our signature silk-touch wrapping paper.

Free Local Delivery on all orders.

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  • Occasionally substitutions of flowers and/or wrapping happen due to weather, seasonality and market condition, which may affect availability. If this is the case with the flowers you selected, we will ensure that the style and theme of the bouquet are preserved and will only substitute items of equal value or higher. Although, the actual bouquet may not precisely match the photo, its quality and character will. If any design elements are of major importance in your order, please include them in the florist instructions at checkout or contact us to ensure availability.

  • • Carefully remove all packaging & water tubes
from your flowers

    • Mix food packets with warm water in a suitable clean vase

    • Cut approx. 1 in at a 45° angle with sharp scissors or knife from the base of each stem

    • Remove any leaves from the steams that will be below the waterline in the vase

    • Place your bouquet in a vase and display away from draughts, direct sunlight, heat sources and ripening fruit; all of these factors affect how long your flowers will last

    • Replace water daily

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FP Bouquet N°10

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FP Bouquet N°20

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FP Bouquet N°16

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FP Bouquet N°7
