Surprise FP Bouquet

Surprise FP Bouquet

from CA$85.00

Feel undecided but still want a wonderful creation from Flower Pie? This option is for you. This beautiful one-of-a-kind bouquet will be designed with the highest quality in-season, fresh flowers and make a statement on any occasion. It will be crafted by Flower Pie floral designers with love and care and dressed in our signature silk-touch wrapping paper.

Small Surprise
” OMG, where did you get this?”

Medium Surprise
” Wow, I did not know that I wanted exactly this ”

Big Surprise
Is this even real? How? I just can’t…”

Free Local Delivery on all orders.

Your Surprise:
I want a Surprise!
  • • Carefully remove all packaging & water tubes
from your flowers

    • Mix food packets with warm water in a suitable clean vase

    • Cut approx. 1 in at a 45° angle with sharp scissors or knife from the base of each stem

    • Remove any leaves from the steams that will be below the waterline in the vase

    • Place your bouquet in a vase and display away from draughts, direct sunlight, heat sources and ripening fruit; all of these factors affect how long your flowers will last

    • Replace water daily

FP Bouquet N°15 closeup-flower-bouquet-flower-pie-toronto-15.jpg

FP Bouquet N°15

FP Bouquet N°10 flower-bouquet-flower-pie-toronto-10-closeup.jpg

FP Bouquet N°10

FP Bouquet N°7 flower-bouquet-flower-pie-toronto-closeup-7.jpg

FP Bouquet N°7

FP Bouquet N°20 closeup-flower-bouquet-flower-pie-toronto-20.jpg

FP Bouquet N°20

FP Bouquet N°18 closeup-flower-bouquet-flower-pie-toronto-18.jpg

FP Bouquet N°18
